Ep. 197 - Why Business is Easier than Marriage

Is it just me, or is building a business easier than growing your marriage? Let’s put it this way: Are you more inclined to attend a business seminar or a marriage workshop? Would you rather see a marriage counselor or hire a business consultant?

For some reason, many of us prefer to work on our business rather than our marriage, so it’s no wonder that many married entrepreneurs struggle with work-life balance. Entrepreneurs tend to give unequal attention to their business and their marriage. In this episode, we tackle the "why" and share our experiences in becoming more comfortable working on our marriage while building a business.

Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

Key Takeaways:

  • We will do anything to improve our business but not our marriage

  • In business, we will

    • Get consulting

    • Attend seminars

    • Run ideas by other business owners

    • Spend more time

    • Think and talk about it constantly

    • Resolve problems

  • In marriage, we will avoid

    • Getting counseling

    • Attend a marriage seminar

    • Talk to a friend/mentor

    • Spend more time at home

    • Think and talk about it constantly with your spouse

    • Avoid problems

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 198 - Become Better Business Partners With Your Spouse with Troy and Shantel Brooks


Ep. 196 - On Track To Top Gun with John Ramstead