thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 207 - 5 Daily Habits to Create Work-Life Balance for Busy Entrepreneurs
Work-life balance is something many of us desire but often struggle to achieve. Over time, many have resigned themselves to the busyness of life, accepting it as the norm. However, the truth is, while work-life balance is simple to define, it can be mentally and emotionally challenging to implement.
Ep. 206 - 5 Common Business Mistakes: That’s Killing Growth and Forcing You to Work Harder
In this episode, Robert and Kay Lee Fukui discuss five common business mistakes that hinder growth and profitability while affecting work-life balance. They emphasize the importance of focusing on profit margins rather than just sales volume…
Ep. 205 - Warning Signs For Your Marriage and Business
In this episode, we discuss how entrepreneurs can often become so focused on their business that they miss the warning signs that both their marriage and business may be at risk. It's crucial to address small issues in your relationship early on before they grow into larger problems that are harder to fix.
Ep. 204 - Overcoming Alcohol, Drugs, and Suicide To Becoming An Entrepreneur Couple with Darryll and Brittany Stinson
Life can be a roller coaster ride with many highs and lows. Both Darryll and Brittany Stinson share their stories of successes and challenges growing up, marrying each other, building an amazing business, and raising four kids.
Ep. 203 - The Business Benefits of Procrastination
Procrastination can have benefits in business if reframed and used strategically. It is often driven by fear of failure or the desire for perfection. However, when we finally take action, we often realize that the process wasn't as bad as we imagined.
Ep. 202 - Keys To Becoming A High-Performance Entrepreneur with Justin Roethlingshoefer and Alyse Gaulin
Today, we will dive into the keys to becoming a high-performance leader at home and in your business. It’s all about taking control of your health that will make you perform better, think better, sell better, and lead better. Who doesn’t want that?
Ep. 201 - Work-Life Balance for Married Business Owners
When it comes to the inability to create work-life balance for many married business owners, there are issues common to most. The good news is that there are common solutions as well. These solutions don’t come from us solely…
Ep.200 - A Wife and Mother's Tale of Business, Breakdowns, and Rebuilding with Tamra Andress
Imagine returning home after a hectic day at work, eagerly anticipating the warm embrace of your little girl, only to find her turning towards your spouse instead – a moment Tamra Andress vividly describes as her 'Tombstone moment.' It's a heart-wrenching realization that strikes at the core of one's identity.
Ep. 199 - Business Achievements Won’t Make You Happy
In this episode, we’re cutting through the noise and getting real. No matter how successful your business becomes, it won't guarantee happiness. It won’t make your spouse love you more, improve your kids' behavior, or earn you genuine admiration.
Ep. 198 - Become Better Business Partners With Your Spouse with Troy and Shantel Brooks
Whether you work with your spouse, are considering working with your spouse, or are saying to yourself “never” this episode is for you. Knowing how to recognize and utilize your spouse's gifts, talents, and abilities will help your business and enrich your marriage.
Ep. 197 - Why Business is Easier than Marriage
Is it just me, or is building a business easier than growing your marriage? Let’s put it this way: Are you more inclined to attend a business seminar or a marriage workshop? Would you rather see a marriage counselor or hire a business consultant?
Ep. 196 - On Track To Top Gun with John Ramstead
What if you achieved your dream of becoming something like a fighter pilot? What boy doesn’t? Then you achieve your BHAG of being accepted into Top Gun school. But in an instant the dream turned reality comes crashing down. Not only are you not able to enter Top Gun school training but ultimately, the Navy kicks you out because of your handicap.
Ep. 195 - Compromise Is Not Healthy For Your Marriage
One of the most popular keys to a successful marriage is “compromise.” In our experience that is one of the most destructive methods in a marriage. The word compromise means “accepting a standard lower than is desirable.” Is that what you want for your marriage? I would think not but that is how many deal with disagreements.
Ep. 194 - Close More Sales Deals with Darrell Amy
Who doesn’t want to close more sales deals? Without sales, you have no business yet some business owners really struggle with this part. If you only have a small staff most likely you, the business owner, are the chief salesperson. Like many owners, you don’t want to come across as salesy so you actually become less effective at it.
Ep. 193 - DiSC Assessment For A Stronger Business
When growing a business, we can get caught up focusing on the marketing and building systems as the keys to success. But at the end of the day it’s people that make it work. So knowing how to communicate and positioning your team in the proper roles can make the difference between average performance and a great one.
Ep. 192 - From Success To Bankruptcy with Tim and Glori Winders
Going from owning multiple successful businesses, fancy cars, and homes to living in a van and couch surfing. How would your marriage survive this? Hopefully, you’ll never have to find out but you can listen to this week’s guests, Tim and Glori Winders, to find out how they did it.
Ep. 191 - DiSC Assessment For Happier Marriages
They say communication is the foundation of a great marriage. But most people think talking is communicating. It is part of communication but it doesn’t necessarily mean you understand each other. Good communication means both parties understand each other and can resolve disagreements without blowing up into major conflict.
Ep. 190 - Prenuptial Agreements Create Stronger Marriages with Aaron Thomas
Can a prenuptial agreement strengthen your marriage and prevent a divorce? That’s not typically what we think about when we hear prenup. We’re just usually thinking of protecting our assets when we do get divorced. But this week’s guest, Aaron Thomas, is going to shed some light on the way he helps couples create prenuptial agreements.
Ep. 189 - The Perfect Marketing Strategy
Marketing success can be elusive for many small business owners. Most rely on word of mouth (which is the best form of marketing) because they haven’t had much success doing anything else. Even if your business is doing well from word of mouth, there are some steps you can do to improve that.
Ep. 188 - The Inconvenience Of Great Leadership with Bob Beaudine
“Doing the right thing is inconvenient.” That was a powerful quote from this week’s guest Bob Beaudine. Prioritizing your family over your career or business is one of the hardest things to do for high achievers. It is possible to do it successfully but it doesn’t come easy. You have to make hard choices that are not convenient.
Podcast Hosts
Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.