Build Your Business For The Freedom You Desire and The Life You Want To Live

Are you in an ongoing power struggle between growing your business and prioritizing marriage?

Is your daily business grind leaving you too tired to connect with your spouse?

Do you find yourself competing against your spouse rather than working like a championship team?

If you and your spouse would like to:

  • Win in marriage and business at the same time

  • Create greater work-life-play balance

  • Work better as a team

  • Grow your business for greater freedom

  • Become the Chief Executive Officer as opposed to the Chief EVERYTHING Officer

Then our Power Couples by Design Coaching options are just for you.

After years of fighting the same battles...

we know how it feels to meet yourself coming and going while you struggle to find more hours in the day.

Stop the insanity when you use our collective experience to:

  • Get on the same page (finally)

  • Develop a common vision

  • Improve communication and conflict resolution

  • Uncover the roadblocks impeding business growth

  • Improve marketing and sales

  • Increase profits and efficiency

  • And so much more...

Our group and 1-on-1 couple sessions will equip you with action steps to grow your marriage and business simultaneously.

How We Can Help

We work in two phases. The first is a Marriage and Business Assessment (MBA) followed by two coaching options in phase 2.

Phase 1 - Marriage and Business Assessment (MBA)

The MBA is designed to identify areas in your life and business that are causing imbalances. It will serve as a roadmap to build a prosperous business and marriage. To help you Thrive in Tandem!

The MBA assesses the following areas:

  • Marriage: Long-term vision, communication, conflict resolution, boundaries, teamwork dynamics.

  • Business: Profit margins, pricing, marketing, time management, scalability, and more.

Deliverable: Once you complete the assessment, we’ll hop on a coaching call to review your results and build a personalized roadmap to help you and your spouse achieve greater work-life balance.

Phase 2 - Coaching Options

Based on the results of the MBA and the specific areas of your marriage and business you wish to improve, you can choose either or both of the following coaching packages.

Package 1 - Marriage

Whether you work alongside your spouse or not, you are partners in life. Every action you take, both inside and outside of the business, impacts your home. This phase will help you create a common vision, get on the same page, and develop effective communication to succeed in both aspects of life. - Marriage and business.

Below are the three major areas we address.

  • We’ll help you craft a long and short term vision for your life and identify how your business should compliment not compete against it. Vision is important so you know what you’re working so hard for.

  • You may be facing lack of balance in your life because the business is infiltrating every aspect of your life. Even when you’re “off the clock” from work, you may still be thinking about it, talking about it, answering texts and emails. We’ll help you create healthy boundaries between work and home so you can be present for the things that matter most.

  • No marriage is perfect including ours. So disagreements and conflict is inevitable. Conflict in itself is not bad, it’s how you handle it that makes it constructive or destructive. We’ll give you tools to turn any disagreement into a productive strategy session.

Package 2 - Business Freedom

The Business Freedom package offers a comprehensive solution to help you grow your business and achieve greater freedom. It begins with an in-depth business analysis to pinpoint areas of improvement. Following the analysis, the coaching sessions focus on creating an actionable plan to enhance efficiency, scalability, and growth.

Below are the three pillars of growth we address

  • Time is an asset that should be treated like gold. Unfortunately, 65% of the average entrepreneurs time is spent on day to day activities that need to get done but don’t lead to growth. We’ll help you conduct a full evaluation of the activities you perform in the business to focus in on the more productive tasks that will lead to growth and gain back some time.

  • Finances are the weak spot for many entrepreneurs. That’s why it’s the number one reason for business failure. Knowing where the money is coming in from is one thing but controlling where it’s going to ensure it’s providing a proper return for the business is essential. Yes, even your expenses should be looked upon as an investment. Like any investment, there should be some type of return. We’ll help you assess the type of return of time and money is bringing.

  • “You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” - Peter Drucker. Knowing where you should spend your time and money is one thing but consistent monitoring of those activities is necessary to know if it’s working or not. If so, great, keep doing it. If not, make some changes. In this phase, we’ll help you develop some metrics in every aspect of your business to monitor so that you can improve your time and money performance.

Are you ready to Win in Business AND Marriage simultaneously? Take the complimentary MBA and get your roadmap to Freedom!