thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 205 - Warning Signs For Your Marriage and Business
In this episode, we discuss how entrepreneurs can often become so focused on their business that they miss the warning signs that both their marriage and business may be at risk. It's crucial to address small issues in your relationship early on before they grow into larger problems that are harder to fix.
Ep. 201 - Work-Life Balance for Married Business Owners
When it comes to the inability to create work-life balance for many married business owners, there are issues common to most. The good news is that there are common solutions as well. These solutions don’t come from us solely…
Ep. 192 - From Success To Bankruptcy with Tim and Glori Winders
Going from owning multiple successful businesses, fancy cars, and homes to living in a van and couch surfing. How would your marriage survive this? Hopefully, you’ll never have to find out but you can listen to this week’s guests, Tim and Glori Winders, to find out how they did it.
Ep. 186 - Is Your Business An Idol? With Stu and Trish Fuhlendorf
Entrepreneurs have an independent streak for sure. I have it, you have it, we all have it. It’s why we can’t see ourselves in a 9 to 5 job. It’s why we’re so successful in what we do. We take the bull by the horn and make it happen.
Ep. 183 - How To Hire and Train Millenials with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
If you’re like many business owners, it’s been hard to find good employees. It seems like the younger generation doesn’t want to work and are lazy. Or at least that’s what they say. But think about this, the baby boomers were also considered lazy when they were in their twenties and thirties.
Ep. 181 - How to Avoid Disaster: Why Working with Your Spouse Can Spell Trouble for Your Business!
According to the 2022 U.S. Census Bureau, a little more than 10% of businesses are run by husband and wife teams. And that number is continuing to grow as more and more couples are realizing they can make more money working together than in separate jobs or businesses…
Ep. 168 - Surviving The Miracle On The Hudson with Dave Sanderson
It typically takes a significant (near) life tragedy to change someone’s perspective. Many of us entrepreneurs are wired to achieve while neglecting our most important relationships. Imagine being in a commercial jet that is about to go crashing into the Hudson River…
Ep. 166 - Re-Launch of the Podcast for the Married Entrepreneur
Welcome to Thriving in Tandem. It’s a podcast for you the married entrepreneur that wants to win in business and marriage at the same time. The biggest challenge for the married entrepreneur isn’t just succeeding in business, it’s succeeding in all areas of your life including your marriage…
Ep. 165 Finding Good Employees with Dr. Joey Faucette
No matter what business owner we speak to anywhere in the country, the top concern is finding good employees. The same thing seems to be happening all over the U.S.A., no one wants to work. And the ones that do want to be paid a lot of money and with a lot of perks…
Ep. 161 - Prioritizing Business Will Destroy Your Marriage with Krystal Parker
You hear us and others warning that if you prioritize succeeding in business over the relationship, it CAN harm your marriage. This week’s guest, Krystal Parker, shows it WILL destroy your marriage. She found out the hard way how focusing so hard on achieving professional success can lead to two divorces.
Ep. 159 - 5 Hour Work Week with Billy Sticker
As a business owner, you need to be more lazy. No, it’s not that we don’t believe in hard work. But too many entrepreneurs are working so hard that they are slave to the business and it stunts the growth of the business. If you find a way to do less of the work by delegating more of it to employees that are better at certain tasks then you…
Ep. 157 - Developing Your Employees Improves Your Bottom Line with Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks
Training and developing employees seems like common sense but many small businesses do an inadequate job of doing so. Lack of time and resources seems to be the primary excuse. But if you knew that creating a culture that constantly develops its people would increase your profits, you would do it in a heartbeat, right?
Ep. 147 - Unconventional Employee Retention Strategy with Danica Dedmon
You may have been experiencing or hearing business owners grumble about how hard it is to find good workers. Or that the ones they have don’t put in max effort. According to Gallup, only 33% of employees in the U.S. are considered engaged in their job.
Ep. 143 - Communication Keys In Business and Marriage with Steve Reiter
We all know communication is key when it comes to marriage. It’s also the foundation for great marketing. So we decided to bring in an expert in communication. Hall of Fame radio producer Steve Reiter.
Ep. 136 - Retirement Benefits Every Small Business Can Provide with Pete Walkey
Most, if not all, employees want retirement benefits and I know most employers want to provide them. But many small business owners don’t think they can afford to provide them.
Ep. 128 - Rise and Go: Leadership Lessons When You’re Down and Out
What the heck would you do if you went all in on a new business venture March 1, 2020 only to see the world shutdown two weeks later? If you read the date you’ll understand what I mean. That’s what happened to this week's returning guest, Cory Carslon.
Ep. 127 - Why Time Management Doesn’t Work To Create Greater Work-Life Balance
When it comes to the topic of work-life balance, the issue of time management tends to come up. “If I was just better with my time I could get everything done.”
Ep. 123 - Secrets to Business Leadership, Succession and Work-Life Balance
Succession in business isn’t often done or done well. If you look at the statistics, only 30% of first generation businesses transition to the second. Why is the success rate so low?
Ep. 121 - Customer Driven Leadership with Daniel Hammond
You’ve heard of Servant Leadership. Well, now pay attention to Customer Driven Leadership (CDL). It’s not necessarily better than Servant Leadership, it is an addition to.
Ep. 120 - Boundaries: One Key to Achieving Greater Work-Life Balance
We hit week five of our book tour and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Boundaries, or lack thereof, is the number one issue that is keeping the married entrepreneur from achieving greater work-life balance.
Podcast Hosts
Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.