Unlocking Entrepreneur Success Secrets: Anytime, Anywhere
Explore Available Courses Below
If you're an entrepreneur who wants to:
Create a thriving marriage and prosperous business
Attract more clients using LinkedIn
Design your business exit strategy
Then our on-demand online courses are just for you.
Want a thriving marriage and prosperous business?
Our 8-step flagship course will help you:
Build unity by uncovering hidden issues
Prevent and resolve conflict
Develop new communication tools
Discover business growth opportunities
Strengthen marketing, finance and organization
And much more
Filled with video teaching, worksheets, and resources, our Power Couples by Design course will eliminate your isolation while strengthening your relationship.
Stop juggling work and home priorities.
B.O.O.S.T. Camp
Do you want to target decision-makers while engaging customers?
You need a marketing funnel B.O.O.S.T. that will help you:
Build your brand
Optimize relationships
Obtain more leads
Secure thought-leadership
Tap new markets
Turn your LinkedIn profile into a client-attraction magnet when you take action on this 8-step program.
Leave your business own your own terms.
An exit strategy is a vital part of your business growth strategy.
Predict your future by:
Starting with your end-game in mind
Improving your business-success probability
Establishing your future goals
Finding your “somewhere over the rainbow” gameplan.
Planning for those “what if” scenarios
Shortening your time-to-exit
Increasing your ultimate exit valuation
Run your business with the end in mind.
Marketing Made Simple
Marketing doesn't have to be complicated. You will achieve results when you know the fundamentals.
This eight-session course will help you deliver the results you want by:
Understanding the meaning of marketing
Discovering the process for creating a solid plan
Identifying the "secret" metrics that drive marketing success
Power Up Your Marriage & Business On-Demand Free
Learn How to Get Into the “New Normal”
Without Conflicts, Without Weaknesses,
With Fresh Appreciation, & With Renewed Intimacy…
Even If You’ve Struggled To Get Along Consistently During Quarantine Or Lockdown Made You Fall More In Step
Join Us On-Demand for Free.
(You read that right. The only cost for attending this virtual summit is your time and applying what you learn. Completely free with no upselling. You can’t beat that, can you?!)