Start Strong In 2023
It’s still early in the year so it’s not too late to get your marriage and business off to a great start. Winning in both areas takes some planning and intention. So Kay Lee and I invite you to be intentional about registering for this [FREE] series.
It’s exclusively for our email list and word of mouth. No social media promotion. We just want to help those who have been part of our community in some way.
Starting February 14th (fitting day to start isn’t it?), we will be hosting four Office Hours calls to help you create greater work-life balance. Each session will start with a short presentation followed by Q & A. Your questions could be about the topic presented or anything that will help your marriage and business succeed.
Below is the Office Hours schedule and topics to be discussed. Register for one or all of the sessions. It’s up to you.
Vision Setting: Why it works and the best do it
February 14, 8am PST
It’s Valentine’s Day. So what better day to cast vision and dream together. Whether it’s an elite athlete or successful entrepreneur, the best do this in some form or fashion. Vision setting that is.
There is plenty of science behind the power of visualization. So if you and your spouse create a vision of what you want your life to look like and put some action behind it, you will succeed.
Join us for this fun discussion that will help you create your best life now and in the future.
Teamwork: 5 Keys to Working With Your Spouse
February 21, 8am PST
There is a lot of data out there that supports the benefits of working with your spouse. It’s been proven that you can earn more money working together than in different businesses/careers. That’s because there is synergy when two people with complimentary gifts work together.
Here’s what the math looks like when you:
Work separately: 1 + 1 = 2. (additive)
Work together: 1 + 1 = 3. (synergistic)
But there can be some bumps along the road. So this session will drill down on some fundamentals that will help you and your spouse work in closer harmony and be Power Couples in and out of the business.
Financial Mindset: It’s more important than marketing/sales
February 28, 8am PST
Can you say boring? Unless you’re the 10-15% of the population that loves numbers, this topic may not excite you. But it’s probably the reason you should attend.
Why? Because finances are the typical entrepreneur's weakness. And, it’s the #1 reason many go bankrupt.
You can talk about marketing and sales all you want but if you don’t have a good grasp of your profit margins, cash flow, and how to fix it, all the sales in the world won’t fix the problem.
But when you understand it, you’ll develop practical strategies on how to improve the financial health of your business.
NOTE: This session will be more practical than technical.
3 Pillars of Business Growth For Greater Freedom
March 14, 8am PST
Another reason to attend the “Financial Mindset” session discussed previously is that it will give you the proper foundation to absorb the strategy session. This session will break down the false belief that you have to focus on more sales in order to grow. While more sales are part of a growth strategy, it’s not the first place you should start.
Focusing on sales first will cause you to work harder when we want you to work smarter. The “3 Pillar” strategy discussed in this session will help you achieve more with less effort.
So what are you waiting for? Click the button and register for this [FREE] series. Choose one or choose all the sessions.
We look forward to seeing you on February 14th!