Ep. 83 - Doing Business With Your Spouse Can Bring You Closer Together

Working with your spouse never seemed like a good idea to me until I ended up working with my spouse. (story shared in episode 1) I know I’m not alone as many people are strongly opposed to working with their spouse. But as our guests, Rob and Joanna Tiegen share, it is possible to not only work together but to do so in a way that actually draws you closer together as opposed to tearing you apart. 

Now, Rob and Joanna not only work together but over the years they’ve raised 5 kids and have had many foster children come through their home. Working together and taking care of a lot of kids can leave little time to actually connect as husband and wife. So how do you do all that? 

Not only do they share how to balance it all but they give some great insight into how working together has actually brought them closer together. 

Website: https://growinghometogether.com/ 

Check out some of their great resources like “88 Great Conversation Starters for Husbands and Wives”, the “Laugh Out Loud” book series and “Mr. and Mrs. Date Night Idea Cards”

Key Takeaways:

  • The transition from a marketing and sales career to starting a business

  • Things they learned about each other while working together they didn’t know prior

  • Divide and conquer is not a good method to keep you closer as husband and wife

  • Over the years they made too many assumptions about each other that weren’t true

  • Monday meetings is a way they intentionally stay connected and get on the same page

  • Don’t let fear get in the way

  • The greatest challenges and rewards of working together

  • Faith as the center of everything


Rob and Joanna have celebrated over 25 years of marriage and are loving life with two sons, three daughters, and a beautiful daughter-in-law. They share an addiction to coffee, bookstores, and Christmas music. They debate whether two dogs are enough and who should win “The Voice” every season. Rob and Joanna are a neat-freak married to a mess, an explorer to a homebody, and an introvert to a ‘people person.’ But they do agree that their vows are for always, children are a gift, and prayer is powerful.

Over the years, the Teigens have lived in five states as they made their way to West Michigan. Serving as foster parents, marriage mentors, small-group leaders, and authors, they are passionate to help couples and moms and dads experience the power of God in their families. They look forward to meeting you here, supporting your pursuit of God and the hearts of your loved ones. They can’t wait to grow together with you.

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 84 - Why Couples Fight Over Money


Ep. 82 - The Dance Of Doing Business With Your Spouse with Jim and Martha Brangenberg