thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 89 - Stop Making Excuses with Antwan Winkfield
Building a business is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. There are times in the beginning or even 20 years down the road where you feel like giving up. And these last two years were definitely not an exception. We all know that…
Ep. 88 - Knowing Your Fears Can Make You A Business Success
Whether you realize it or not or want to admit it or not we all have fears. And those fears can be an impediment to business success. Many people say they channel those fears as motivation to be successful. That does work for many people but…
Ep. 87 - Is Goal Setting a Waste of Time?
Whenever we enter a new year, start a new project, or launch a new brand, we tend to set goals. But many times we don’t reach our goals. And if you look at the research by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people that set goals…
Ep. 86 - Stop Worrying About Business Competition
Many businesses are constantly concerned about what their competition is doing in order to stay relevant to their customers. Many entrepreneur programs, consultants, and coaches recommend doing a competitive analysis at startup and anytime…
Ep. 85 - Perseverance Fuels Business Success
Starting a business or any new venture is the easy part. Making it a success is the hard part. Because rarely do all plans succeed the way you initially draw it up. As Mike Tyson famously said, “a plan is great until you get punched in…
Ep. 84 - Why Couples Fight Over Money
One of the top issues we fight about with our spouse is money. Whether we can buy that car or not, take that vacation or not, buy that house or not, get that big screen TV or not, whether we save or not, send the kids to college or not. You…
Ep. 83 - Doing Business With Your Spouse Can Bring You Closer Together
Working with your spouse never seemed like a good idea to me until I ended up working with my spouse. (story shared in episode 1) I know I’m not alone as many people are strongly opposed to working with their spouse. But as our guests…
Ep. 82 - The Dance Of Doing Business With Your Spouse with Jim and Martha Brangenberg
Working together as husband and wife is not for the faint of heart. Many avoid it altogether. Some are surviving through it and others, like our guest Jim and Martha Brangenberg, are thriving. Not that every couple should work together but…
Ep. 81 - Navigating The Certainty of Change in Marriage and Business w/Andy and Janine
If you’re like me, consistency is reassuring. It’s like a security blanket that “guarantees” things will be well. But if you’ve spent any time as a married couple and business owner, then you know the only…
Ep. 80 - Business Lessons You Can Learn from a NASCAR Pit Crew
One of the challenges many business owners face is that they do everything. Because they’re doing everything, they’re super busy and in bondage to the business. If this sounds familiar then this episode is for you. Doing…
Ep. 79 - What Your Marriage Can Learn by Going on Vacation
Vacations are fun, right? Of course they are but sometimes just getting there can be stressful. Even if you’re going to the Grand Cayman. Join us in this fun journey with marriage and family experts Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe as they…
Ep. 78 - Why Fear May Be Costing You Profits
You may be working harder than ever this year yet the profits just don’t seem to be there. In fact, your total revenue may even be up but the profits aren’t. Why is that? It may be a simple fact that you aren’t charging…
Ep. 77 - Take Back Your Time with Christy Wright
Christy Wright is a #1 national best-selling author, personal development expert, and host of The Christy Wright Show. Since 2009, Christy has served at Ramsey Solutions, where she teaches on personal development, business, and faith. Her…
Ep. 76 - Grow Your Business By Working Less
How many of you business owners want to grow your business by working less? Of course you do but it seems a little far fetched doesn’t it? Not exactly. You see, the average business owner spends 65% of their working day on activities…
Ep. 75 - Dealing With The Constant Changes of Marriage and Business
You thought your life was crazy? Maybe it is but moving to different countries, states, and cities, changing careers and business, having kids and working conditions can put a stress on any marriage. Meet childhood sweethearts Dan and…
Ep. 74 - Scale Up Your Business for More Freedom
If you’ve been struggling with finding a better balance between marriage and business. Trying to find more time to spend with your spouse and family. The solution may be to scale your business. What? How can growing the business be the
Ep 71 - Get Your Marriage and Business In Balance
Continuation from episode 69 “Is Your Marriage and Business in Balance?” This one will give you some real solutions to the common issues entrepreneur couples face when trying to balance it all. First of all, you can’t and should not do it all. You should…
Ep. 73 - Boundaries - Preventing Your Business From Ruining Your Marriage
You may have to sacrifice some time away from the family to build the business but it doesn’t mean your family life has to suffer. Ultimately, you do want to build a business that allows you more freedom but in the meantime, make sure…
Ep. 72 - Building a Business With a Purpose
Could you imagine leaving a multi-million dollar/year marketing agency you co-founded while in college and then pivot to create a non-profit foundation? Well, that’s exactly what our guest Chris Lesner did 8 years ago. Him and a few…
Ep. 70 - From Unemployed To Shark Tank: Teamwork Guide for Couples in Business
Being married and running a business brings many ups and downs. It’s one thing when you’re single and you just have to answer to yourself. But when you need to make crucial decisions together, getting on the same page is…
Podcast Hosts
Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.