Ep. 80 - Business Lessons You Can Learn from a NASCAR Pit Crew

One of the challenges many business owners face is that they do everything. Because they’re doing everything, they’re super busy and in bondage to the business. If this sounds familiar then this episode is for you. Doing everything may be the main reason your marriage and business is out of balance. You think you need to do it all when you actually don’t need to nor should you. If everything falls on your shoulders then it’s not good for the business, not good for you and definitely not good for your marriage. 

What’s the solution? Build and empower a great team. Even if you’re just working for yourself right now, hiring a great virtual assistant can be the first step in letting go.

I recently attended my first NASCAR race and was struck by the teamwork the pit crew demonstrated whenever their driver came in for a tire change, fuel, water, and minor mechanical issues. All this was done in less than 20 seconds. What an example of leadership, preparation and teamwork. 

This is something all business owners can learn from. So take a listen.

Is your marriage and business in balance? Take this short quiz to find out and get helpful tips to make it better. https://www.powercouplesbydesign.com/your-power-couple-score 

Key Takeaways:

  • The leader can’t do it all

  • Communicate early and often

  • Hope for the best, prepare for the worse

  • Keep people in their lane of specialty

  • Trust

  • Mistakes happen, learn from them

  • Go faster and farther as a team

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 81 - Navigating The Certainty of Change in Marriage and Business w/Andy and Janine


Ep. 79 - What Your Marriage Can Learn by Going on Vacation