Ep. 87 - Is Goal Setting a Waste of Time?

Whenever we enter a new year, start a new project, or launch a new brand, we tend to set goals. But many times we don’t reach our goals. And if you look at the research by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people that set goals actually reach them. So you might be asking yourself, “so why bother?” Kay Lee has asked me this same question on occasion when we don’t reach our goals. 

This is a great question. But an even better question is, “what are those 8% doing that I’m not?” This is what this episode will be about. Yes, setting goals is important but achieving them is even more important. So we will address the 5 things you should do to better your chances of reaching your goals. Cheers!

Website: https://www.powercouplesbydesign.com/ 

Key Takeaways:

  • Why we set goals

  • How many times do we actually reach them?

  • University of Scranton research shows only 8% of people who set goals reach them

  • Why bother?

  • Know yourself

  • Accountability

  • Be specific in the goals you set S.M.A.R.T.

  • Don’t multitask

  • Rest and celebrate

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 88 - Knowing Your Fears Can Make You A Business Success


Ep. 86 - Stop Worrying About Business Competition