Ep. 38 - You Gravitate To What You Contemplate


Whether scuba diving, surfing, or driving the kids to practice, Greg and Julie Gorman venture through life hand in hand, firmly believing that God holds a distinct purpose for every couple.Together they have written four books and produced multiple video-driven, small group studies. They enjoy teaching and inspiring couples all over the world how to live Purpose Focused, Not Problem Focused. They have shared the stage with many celebrity speakers such as Les Brown and John Maxwell and many more.

Their fresh approach to marriage is inspiring and forward thinking. Greg and Julie present a unique message, helping thousands of couples move from good to great. As students and practitioners of biblical leadership and human behavior, Greg and Julie hold multiple certifications from a variety of organizations including the Patterson Center, John C. Maxwell, and Personality Insights Institute. They, along with their children, make their home in southern Florida.

So whether through books, video curriculum, or conference retreats, they live to share the principles they discovered to equip you to experience the life, business, and relationship you’ve always wanted.


Ever glance off at a pretty sunset while driving, only to be jolted by jarring tires on the roadside? Truth is … when we focus exclusively on driving between the yellow lines, we avoid veering. The same is true in life. Thought leaders throughout time agree; our outcome begins in our mind-set. We find what we look for. We become what we think about. We gravitate towards what we contemplate. King Solomon said, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7 So, if every thought leader is right, when we focus our attention on fixing our issues, we unwittingly perpetuate our problems. However, when we focus on our desired outcome, aligning our thoughts with God’s, we reap the benefits of living His design for our marriage.

This episode was part of the Power Up Your Marriage and Business virtual retreat we hosted several months ago.

It is available as an on-demand feature on our website. 

If you want to hear more from the 10 other speakers and take part in the activities that they assigned, click on our website link and sign up. It’s totally FREE. https://www.powercouplesbydesign.com/power-up-marriage-business-weekend

Free Offer:

Do you ever feel like you run out of things to say to your spouse or things to do? Then get 120 conversation starters and 6 date night ideas.

Text the word “Married”

To the number: 33777

Visit their website: https://marriedforapurpose.com/This presentation was part of the Power Up Your Marriage and Business virtual retreat we hosted several Does it seem like the word of the year for business is “Pivot?” I haven’t heard this word used so much in my 27 years in business. But 2020 is definitely a year that has forced hundreds of thousands of businesses to do just that. So, what is the secret to navigating a successful pivot? Some do it well while others fall a little flat. Many businesses pivoted right when lockdown occurred while others, others were already prepared to prosper during the crisis, while some waited for things to get back to normal. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Things never get back to normal. Whenever an economic crisis like this hits, things never fully get to normal after the crisis lifts. So, you don’t think of a pivot as a temporary issue but rather as a new normal. Also, the crisis never creates a change in the marketplace, it only accelerates the change that had already been occurring.  In this episode, we will highlight examples of past economic crises and the new normals it created. Plus discuss how you can successfully navigate this crisis and prepare for the next one. Yes, there is always a next one. Did you forget 2008-09?

Key takeaways:

  • Crisis exposes weakness and accelerates change already happening

  • Every business needs to be in tune with changing market dynamics constantly

  • Reasons for economic crisis differ but it always creates change in the way business is done.

  • Shifts happen

  • Common thread - cash is King be debt free

  • Continuous investing and innovation prepares business for crisis

  • Latest trends: gig economy to virtual employees, online training vs physical training, online shopping, delivery service, digital training for do-it-yourself

  • Crisis accelerates change in consumer habits 

  • 3 keys to successful business pivots

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep 39 - 3 Secrets to Successful Business Pivots


Ep. 37 - "Hidden" Secrets to Success in Business