Ep. 113 - “Building” The Entrepreneur’s Dream Job with Jim Adams

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I often hear budding entrepreneurs tell me they’re going to start a business so they can have other people manage it while they go off and do something fun or significant in their life. My response is usually an internal “eye roll” because it’s not as easy as it sounds. In fact, most business owners never see that lifestyle until they retire.

In the meantime, the average business owner is working a lot more hours than they had dreamed. So, it’s great when you actually get to meet a business owner that has built the entrepreneur's dream job. 

Meet Jim Adams. Owner of a very successful business, American Landscape and Structure. So successful in fact that they grew 4x during COVID! But he’s found the business formula that allows him to run the business while he’s on the road with his wife, Cara and two dogs.

He’s also launched into his other passion of consulting small, privately held businesses accomplish the same thing he has. More freedom!

What kind of business owner are you? Take the [FREE] assessment https://www.jimadamsconsulting.com/the-4-business-owner-types 


Key Takeaways:

  • You’re in a transition from running your landscape and outdoor structure business to being more free. Traveling the country with Cara and your two dogs, how did you get to this point? Everyone that wants to start a business talks about it but very few achieve it.

  • How did your past life working for ISI (consulting agency) help you achieve better work-life freedom?

  • You talk about Billy and Joe who own a pole mill business and how you helped their business. One of the things that stuck out is how you increased their productivity by increasing production by 2 poles/day. 

    • Financially, how did that help them? 

    • What about time and freedom? 

    • Two small changes yielded big results

  • What are the common roadblocks that prevent owners from achieving more efficiency and freedom in their business?

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 114 - Want to Win in Business and Marriage?


Ep. 112 - Marriage Is Not a Competition