Ep. 26 - What Makes a Power Husband?)

In order to be a Power Couple you must first understand what a powerful husband and wife look like. This is the first of two parts in which we will attempt to define what that looks like. This week’s episode Kay Lee will lead this discussion on what a Power Husband looks like. Be warned, this may be a bit controversial but should be good. There will be a lot of praise for each other but we will also discuss the fact that we didn’t come ready to be a Power Husband and Wife. We will share what we had to learn about ourselves and each other in order to build each other up to become a Power Couple. We’re not sure exactly how this is going to turn out but take a listen and see. 

Key Takeaways:

  • He’s emotionally available

  • Ask for what you need

  • His love language may not be what yours is

  • He has your back (lay down his life)

  • Is supportive

  • Honoring

  • Speaks the truth in love

  • Is a leader (provider) in the broaders sense of the word

  • Not a doormat

  • Listens well

  • Works with differences

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 28 - What Makes a Power Wife?


Ep. 27 - Positioning Your Business to Scale (Grow)