Ep. 27 - Positioning Your Business to Scale (Grow)

Entrepreneur couple and business consultants O.L. and Sway Buckley of Marriedpreneur Life join us in this lively discussion of what it takes to grow and scale your business. WARNING: It may not be what you think. We cover a lot of ground during this interview from learning how O.L. “stalked” Sway when they first met to how they navigate working in a business together and finally discussing some key takeaways on what it takes to grow and scale any business. The cool thing about what we discussed is that any entrepreneur can do this.

Stay in touch with O.L. and Sway at Website https://marriedpreneurlife.com/ IG: @marriedpreneurlife 

Get the free recording of the Love and Launch Summit  https://www.loveandlaunchsummit.com/registertoday

Key takeaways:

  • How O.L. “stalked” Sway and convinced her to go out with him

  • Three types of entrepreneur couple and how that impacts their relationship

  • The value of regular meetings

  • Why vision is so important to scaling the business

  • Do you know what makes your brand unique?

  • What mindshift needs to happen in order to grow

  • Success can hinder growth

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 26 - What Makes a Power Husband?)


Ep. 25 - Five Keys for Unlocking Success in Leadership