Ep. 35 - Increasing Margin of Time and Money

There is an interesting interrelationship between marriage and business. That is, for those that are married and own a business. It boils down to these two words.

  • Time

  • Money

When you have a surplus of both, things are fine. But in most marriages and business, at least one is lacking. Sometimes both. That lack of margin in the business trickles down and can have a negative impact on the marriage in a variety of ways. So this presentation will focus on how to increase that margin of time and money in the business so that the owner can reinvest that time into the marriage that can only strengthen that relationship. 

Discussion points will be:

  • Typical challenges marriages face

  • Typical challenges business owners face

  • The power struggle of time with family while trying to grow the business

  • Keys to increasing margin of time and money

This presentation was part of the Power Up Your Marriage and Business virtual retreat we hosted several months ago.

It is available as an on-demand feature on our website. 

If you want to hear more from the 10 other speakers and take part in the activities that they assigned, click on our website link and sign up. It’s totally FREE. https://www.powercouplesbydesign.com/power-up-marriage-business-weekend

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 36 - 400% Business Growth Can Kill


Ep. 34 - Authentic and Lasting Intimacy