Ep. 96 - Leadership Lessons From a Cup of Coffee with Howard Behar

When you talk about marketing, what comes to mind? Digital ads, SEO, websites, and sales funnels to name a few? It’s all about customer acquisition and finding new customers, right? While these are important aspects of marketing for sure, there are 3 commonly overlooked areas that cost little to no money to fix but can increase your sales and bottom line almost immediately. 

No, this is not a get rich quick type of gimmick. It’s about making some fundamental improvements on the marketing activities you’re already doing. 

Why are these issues commonly overlooked? They’re not as sexy to talk about as the other marketing activities mentioned earlier. They can seem somewhat boring from the outside. But when implemented, it will provide exciting results. So click play and lets get started to fix your marketing and make more money.

Need a little marketing makeover? Check out this [FREE] eCourse. Click here

Key Takeaways:

  • Customer retention (Forbes)

    • Repeat customers spend 33-67% more than 1st time

    • 80% of future revenue comes from 20% of existing customers

    • Second time customers refer an average of three people

    • The likelihood of converting an existing customer into a long-term customer is 60-70%. The likelihood of converting a prospect into a customer is 5-20%

    • The personal touch

  • Price - Check out episode 5 

    • Big reason for low profits

    • Avg net profit = 5.5%

    • Healthy net = 10-15%

    • Avoid the 4 common pricing mistakes

    • Use the value based pricing approach

    • Examples

  • Copy - Check out our FREE marketing seminar 

    • Buying decisions are made by words

    • CTA

      • Emails with single calls to action increased clicks by 371%

      • Adding CTA’s on your Facebook page can increase your click thru rate by 285%

    • Words matter 

      • ContentVerve saw a 90% increase in click-through rate by using first-person phrasing: "Start my free 30 day trial" vs. "Start your free 30 day trial."

      • Sales pages written in story form vs simple features and benefit statements convert higher

      • Tapping into emotions by be relatable

      • State the problem, empathize, provide the solution, illustrate the outcome

        • Work life balance sucks

        • We’ve been there

        • Here’s what works for us

        • Time off, date nights, being connected, fulfilled

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 97 - 3 Commonly Overlooked Marketing Issues You Can Fix


Ep. 95 - Which Personality Style Makes The Best Entrepreneur