thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 104 - Get a Life - Make Marriage and Business Simple Again
This topic has been recommended by Kay Lee. She tells me that one of my gifts is making the complex simple. It’s true. I can’t stand complexity. Plus, from a practical level, the more complicated things are the more chances things can go wrong and the harder it is to be successful.
Ep. 103 - Turning (Sewer) Water into Wine
When you have a business maintaining storm drain systems the natural progression is to make wine, right? That’s what this week’s guest Ric and Michelle Campos of Campos Family Vineyard in Contra Costa County did.
Ep. 102 - Make Marriage and Business Fun Again
Being married and running a business can keep you very busy. We get it. But because of this busyness, the one of thing that gets put on the back burner is having fun. When you stop having fun, life can become a grind. Vacations are non-existent, good luck doing a weekender, and date night, what’s that?
Ep. 101 - Get Into the Owner’s Box
Most business owners I know start their business so they can have other people run the business while they take frequent vacations, go on missions trips, and be home with the family. But something interesting happens along the way. Instead of the owner running the business, the business runs them.
Ep. 100 - What We’ve Learned About Marriage and Business
Happy 100 episodes to us and you for listening for the past two years. In this episode, we want to talk about what we’ve learned about marriage and business from doing this show, and the wisdom from our guests.
Ep. 99 - Why You Should Bring Your Business Home
Marriage isn’t a business, right? Or isn’t it. Think about this, you have to bring in income, you have expenses, there are operational needs, leadership challenges and disgruntled employees on occasion.
Ep. 98 - Winning On and Off the Field
You definitely need to listen to this interview with Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback coach Clyde Christensen to the end. An amazing interview on leadership and have a winning attitude on and off the field.
Ep. 97 - 3 Commonly Overlooked Marketing Issues You Can Fix
When you talk about marketing, what comes to mind? Digital ads, SEO, websites, and sales funnels to name a few? It’s all about customer acquisition and finding new customers, right?
Ep. 96 - Leadership Lessons From a Cup of Coffee with Howard Behar
Imagine going from 28 locations to expanding globally? That was the task this week’s guest Howard Behar was given. He is the former president of Starbucks International, Starbucks North America and board chair.
Ep. 95 - Which Personality Style Makes The Best Entrepreneur
Whenever you think of great entrepreneurs and leaders, who do you think of? What type of personality do you feel best suits them? We like to use the DISC profile to assess our clients and their teams to find out how they tick and how they lead the business.
Ep. 94 - Handling Risks In Marriage and Business Is Spelled - C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.I.O.N.
As we go through marriage and business, there will be moments of risk taking. And if you’re like us, one spouse is more risk averse than the other.
Ep. 93 - Tomorrow’s Not Guaranteed - Neither Is Your Marriage and Business
If you knew today was your last day on earth, how would you treat your marriage and business? As busy entrepreneurs, we get so caught up in achieving and tending to the business that we neglect the things that matter most.
Ep. 92 - Trust: The Key To Marriage and Business Success with Daniel Hammond and Carolina
What do you think of when you hear the word “interrogation” and how does this relate to marriage and business? Do you think waterboarding, pressure, deceit, yelling, or punishment? What if I told you it was built around trust?
Ep. 91 - The Marketing Definition That Will Create Better Results
Many businesses have the perception about marketing that it’s about trying to convince someone to purchase a product or service. Hopefully, you’re being ethical about your marketing but many toe the line if not cross it.
Podcast Hosts
Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.