Ep. 103 - Turning (Sewer) Water into Wine

When you have a business maintaining storm drain systems the natural progression is to make wine, right? That’s what this week’s guest Ric and Michelle Campos of Campos Family Vineyard in Contra Costa County did. While they had no previous experience in agriculture and wine making, Michelle did have owning a winery on her vision board. Because it seemed like a cool thing to have.

But even though it was a dream of hers, when the previous owner of the winery told Ric that God told him to sell the property to them, they said no way. They didn’t have the money or experience to run a winery. 

Long story short, not only did they buy the winery, it has become a pillar of the community, source of hope during COVID, raised significant money for great causes, started a school, and built a church. So now they run three businesses and still have time to balance each other, kids, and grandkids. 

Join us in this inspiring conversation. 

Check out Campos Family Vineyards award winning wines. 


There other business. Storm Water Inspection and Maintenance Services


Key Takeaways:

  • Michelle is still SWIM’s best sales person 

  • Ric’s construction and football coach leadership style not a good fit with Michelle

  • Developed 4 wine labels that raises money for great causes like the Lou Gehrig’s disease and autism

  • Turning sewer water into wine

  • Business with a mission

  • Part of the community

  • Tell us about Gigi’s Blend and Lou

  • How do you balance three businesses and your marriage and family?


Our mission is to yield exceptional wines and be good stewards of the property while providing a peaceful, relaxing environment that brings families and the community together.

For us, living on and owning a vineyard is a dream come true. The spiritual significance of a vineyard, with its abundant vines, branches, fruit and harvest, reaches far beyond the wine. Like a family, a vineyard is at its best when firmly rooted, well-tended and blended with love. With all of the charm of Napa tucked away close to home, Campos Family Vineyards is truly a hidden gem. Enjoy the splendor of this unique destination getaway, with its striking landscape and glorious sunsets! We consider it a privilege to share Campos Family Vineyards and fine wines with you and your guests.

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 104 - Get a Life - Make Marriage and Business Simple Again


Ep. 102 - Make Marriage and Business Fun Again