One of our roles as Christians is to represent God to the world around us. Well, God is anything but average and ordinary so we shouldn't settle for average and ordinary either. If we really want to represent our God, we should believe for EXTRAORDINARY success in all aspects of our lives. That’s what catches the eye of others and opens the door for us to point people to the source of that success.

In our time together, we’ll learn two key ingredients it takes to see EXTRAORDINARY things happen in your life, marriage & Business.  We’ll redefine the 90’s term BHAG and we’ll share a practical tool to leverage the power of agreement in your marriage and Business to see both flourish in a way like never before.

Key Questions For You and Your Spouse:

  1. What would “extraordinary” look like in your marriage?

  2. What would “extraordinary” look like in your Business or ministry?

  3. What BHAG can you & your spouse come in agreement for in the next 10 yrs.


Al & Leticia have been married since 1986 and call Southern California home. They have a passion for God, His people and marriage. The couple founded MarriageWell in 2015 to offer the healing God gave them to others in need. Most common quotes: “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” and “It’s a season and this season too shall pass”. 

Leticia is a Wife and Mother of (4) adult children and a granddaughter. Homeschooled all four children through HS and took the kids all over the world on short term mission trips. She is a gifted Coach/Counselor/Encourager with an emphasis on marriage and women. Excellent communicator/event speaker. Loves to laugh, garden, chat, college football, travel. Graduated from Bible College in 2019 with BA/MA in Biblical Counseling. 

Al has run manufacturing factories & companies for 30+ yrs. Is a gifted leader/administrator, strategic thinker/problem solver and recently evolved into a visionary/entrepreneur. He is a mentor/coach with emphasis on men & marriage. Event speaker who loves to laugh, travel domestically, college football, ‘glamping’.

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 67 - The Power of One For Business Growth


Ep. 65 - Finding Purpose and Profits In Your Business