thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 131 - A Family That Entertains Together, Stays Together with David and Teesha Laflin
Imagine working with your spouse and living in an RV the majority of the time. Now add four kids and a dog. That’s a recipe for…(fill in the blank) Meet this week’s guest, David and Teesha Laflin.
Ep. 125 - Great Things Happen Within The Margins
Are you a perfectionist like me (Robert)? Do you plan everything to a “T” or pack your schedule so tight that you have no room to breathe? Have you heard some guru say, “You have a book in you”?
Ep. 124 - Writing Marketing Messages That Sell
I’m not sure if you realize but we all buy based on what we read. Sure, what we see, feel and taste are part of the sales process but ultimately, we need to read what we are buying, how to buy it and what it costs.
Ep. 123 - Secrets to Business Leadership, Succession and Work-Life Balance
Succession in business isn’t often done or done well. If you look at the statistics, only 30% of first generation businesses transition to the second. Why is the success rate so low?
Ep. 118 - Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance
We did a thing! Our first book is released today on Amazon. What’s it about? Work-life balance and how to win in marriage and business at the same time. Is this even possible? It is.
Ep. 117 - Build Your Business While Being Happy and Strong
It’s so easy to complain about your life and blame people and circumstances for your situation. But a wise man once told me, “no matter how bad your life is, someone else has it worse.”
Ep. 109 - You Are Uniquely and Wonderfully Made
If you were like me growing up, I often felt like I didn’t fit in. Especially when we moved from Hawaii to San Jose, Ca. I was the only asian kid in my class. So I got picked on, not so much because of my ethnicity but my height. Or lack thereof.
Ep. 103 - Turning (Sewer) Water into Wine
When you have a business maintaining storm drain systems the natural progression is to make wine, right? That’s what this week’s guest Ric and Michelle Campos of Campos Family Vineyard in Contra Costa County did.
Ep. 94 - Handling Risks In Marriage and Business Is Spelled - C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.I.O.N.
As we go through marriage and business, there will be moments of risk taking. And if you’re like us, one spouse is more risk averse than the other.
Ep. 93 - Tomorrow’s Not Guaranteed - Neither Is Your Marriage and Business
If you knew today was your last day on earth, how would you treat your marriage and business? As busy entrepreneurs, we get so caught up in achieving and tending to the business that we neglect the things that matter most.
Ep. 89 - Stop Making Excuses with Antwan Winkfield
Building a business is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. There are times in the beginning or even 20 years down the road where you feel like giving up. And these last two years were definitely not an exception. We all know that…
Ep. 84 - Why Couples Fight Over Money
One of the top issues we fight about with our spouse is money. Whether we can buy that car or not, take that vacation or not, buy that house or not, get that big screen TV or not, whether we save or not, send the kids to college or not. You…
Ep. 72 - Building a Business With a Purpose
Could you imagine leaving a multi-million dollar/year marketing agency you co-founded while in college and then pivot to create a non-profit foundation? Well, that’s exactly what our guest Chris Lesner did 8 years ago. Him and a few…
Ep. 66 - Flying by the Seat of Your FAITH
One of our roles as Christians is to represent God to the world around us. Well, God is anything but average and ordinary so we shouldn't settle for average and ordinary either. If we really want to represent our God, we should believe for…
Ep. 65 - Finding Purpose and Profits In Your Business
What is the meaning of life? The age-old question that many are always seeking answers for. But what about your business? What is the meaning of that? Why do you do what you do?
This has also been a popular question for many. And made…
Ep. 62 - Living Love-Wise in Biz and Love
Join bestselling authors, and Co-Directors of Love-Wise, Bill and Pam Farrel who have been married and in ministry (and business) together nearly all of their 41 years of marriage. Bill and Pam will share tips on how rhythms and habits…
Ep. 57 - Know Yourself, Know Your Money
Money is a hot topic in marriage, is it not? Why is this such a difficult issue to resolve? He likes to spend too much. She doesn’t want to spend a dime. He just wants the latest toys. She always wants to go on vacation. These polar…
Ep. 56 - Brothers in Business
Could you imagine doing business with your siblings? Depending on your experience with your brothers and sisters will determine that response no doubt. Meet Adam, Derek and Jacob Broin owners of They sell...well...cufflinks of…
Podcast Hosts
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.