thriving in
This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.
Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about
Ep. 156 - Is Time Your Friend or Enemy?
In this world of busyness it seems like time is our enemy more than our friend. But who’s fault is that? There are so many things coming at us in our business and personal lives that some of the more important aspects are being neglected.
Ep. 154 - Grow Your Business Into Bankruptcy
Business growth is on the minds of most entrepreneurs. Unfortunately for many, they approach growth in the reverse order that it should be done. Most will focus on driving sales and then play catch up with any operational needs that is sure to appear when the workload increases.
Ep. 151 - More Intimacy Equals Greater Revenue In Your Business with Monica Tanner
If you’re married, you want more intimacy. As a business owner, you want more revenue. But somehow getting both at the same time is elusive. Why? Because as you’re going all-in on the business, your marriage tends to take a back seat and the relationship suffers.
Ep. 150 - Dream Big, Start Small
Dreaming big for your business is wonderful but trying to start big is detrimental. It stretches your time and resources thin which creates additional stress on you and your relationships.
Ep. 141 - Prioritize Your Marriage and Your Business Will Prosper with David Meltzer
“Show me the money!” If you remember that phrase then you’re probably as old as I am. HaHa! That’s a quote from the movie, Jerry Maguire. The movie was about a fledgling sports agent played by Tom Cruise, who was trying to land a big name football star to kick start his career.
Ep. 137 - Focus On What You Want In Marriage and Business
You may have been told to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your mind focuses on what you talk about so when you say, “don’t touch the fire,” you’re going touch the fire…
Ep. 132 - Business Growth Mindset
Business strategy is good but your mindset is the most important place to start. It doesn’t matter how good or how sound the strategy is, if you’re not comfortable with the change you’re not likely to execute well.
Ep. 130 - Grow Your Business for Freedom
If you’re like us, you started the business for greater freedom. Freedom to do what you want, when you want. Freedom to take time off to have fun and be with family when you want.
Ep. 127 - Why Time Management Doesn’t Work To Create Greater Work-Life Balance
When it comes to the topic of work-life balance, the issue of time management tends to come up. “If I was just better with my time I could get everything done.”
Ep. 121 - Customer Driven Leadership with Daniel Hammond
You’ve heard of Servant Leadership. Well, now pay attention to Customer Driven Leadership (CDL). It’s not necessarily better than Servant Leadership, it is an addition to.
Ep. 120 - Boundaries: One Key to Achieving Greater Work-Life Balance
We hit week five of our book tour and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Boundaries, or lack thereof, is the number one issue that is keeping the married entrepreneur from achieving greater work-life balance.
Ep. 119 - Crazy Times In Marriage and Business
Imagine being told to leave the 9th grade and being kicked out of the house all at the same time. Then your 16 year old girlfriend tells you she’s pregnant. What do you do? Well, this week’s guest, Sean Osborn, decided it was time to grow up.
Ep. 118 - Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance
We did a thing! Our first book is released today on Amazon. What’s it about? Work-life balance and how to win in marriage and business at the same time. Is this even possible? It is.
Ep. 117 - Build Your Business While Being Happy and Strong
It’s so easy to complain about your life and blame people and circumstances for your situation. But a wise man once told me, “no matter how bad your life is, someone else has it worse.”
Ep. 115 - The Mergers and Acquisition of Marriage and Business
It’s one thing to be married and another to work together in business. And for a man, it can be tough on the ego to lay down a successful corporate career to join your wife in her business and not be the “boss.”
Ep. 114 - Want to Win in Business and Marriage?
If you want to win in business and marriage one of the things that will accelerate your success is to get help. As marriage and business coaches this may sound self-serving but we have our own coaches as well.
Ep. 113 - “Building” The Entrepreneur’s Dream Job with Jim Adams
I often hear budding entrepreneurs tell me they’re going to start a business so they can have other people manage it while they go off and do something fun or significant in their life…
Ep. 111 - Top 4 Financial Mistakes Business Owners Make
The top reason for business failure is lack of money, pure and simple. No money, you can’t pay the bills, right? Sure, there are many reasons for that lack of money like low demand, poor marketing, or too high of overhead.
Ep. 110 - The Most Profitable Business To Own
Because of our experience consulting with businesses from a variety of industries, we often get asked “what the most profitable business to own” is. From a profit margin standpoint, my usual answer has been most service type businesses like accounting, law, financial services and life insurance.
Ep. 108 - Avoiding the Entrepreneurs’…Squirrel…Trap
One of the strong suits of the entrepreneur is their vision. They see the possibility even when others think it’s impossible. Tons of ideas are constantly racing through their…Squirrel!...heads. Unfortunately, that can also be the trap that keeps them from building a great business.
Podcast Hosts
Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.